“Mother Ghosting,” a film triptych by Serena Chopra, explores the energies and pulses of the feminist poetic line through the gendering of sound/speech/song and matrilineal mythologies, observing menstruation as a kind of mother-daughter blood-line that holds the resistance and fury of patriarchally-induced traumas.

GENDERED SENSES, featuring the work of Shayna Cohn, Marsha Mack, and Carin Rodenborn and curated by Alison J. Leedy, questions the duality of femininity/masculinity as it is interpreted through sensory awareness of both inanimate objects and human beings. Through installations and scented sculpture, dialogue is created surrounding the visual and tactile experience of femininity as it is stereotypically interpreted (or misinterpreted) through the lens of popular culture. Sound art and poetry present the auditory perspective of learning to decode gender solely through speech and song. In creating a space that heightens the “feminine experience” artists seek to satirize and subvert limited notions of gender binaries.

Friday, October 12 | Opening reception and the debut screening of Serena Chopra’s new film | 7-10
Saturday, October 13 | Open hours | 12-3
Sunday, October 13 | Open hours | 12-3

For accessibility information and other inquiries contact GEORGIAartspace@gmail.com.

Image from Shayna Cohn’s installation